Friday, May 24, 2013

Our Personal Tech is Getting Smaller

Our personal tech is getting smaller…and changing the way we live. Sensors, computing power and connectivity have become smaller and more affordable, helping to usher in this new era of wearable tech, much beyond our grandparent’s wearable tech—wrist watches. Clocks were the first tech to really get smaller, mobile, and wearable. Of course we have smart watches now too!

We’re on the cusp of the wearable tech revolution for good or bad. A big player hitting a home run out of the park like Google or Microsoft will open the door for so many smaller companies on the horizon with their wearable tech gadgets.

Saturday Night Live just did a skit on Google Glass
, emphasizing the inherent awkwardness in wearing a pair of glasses that brings smart phone capabilities into your field of vision. But, don’t we all get annoyed when we’re talking to someone who constantly is looking at their Smartphone? I know my wife does.

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