Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What’s the Deal With Braille?

So, what’s the deal with Braille at ATM machines? Not only regular ATMs mind you but DRIVE UP ATMs as well. Do blind guys drive around and suddenly have this feeling “there’s an ATM--I need some money” hit them?

Why the hell do you need Braille at a drive up ATM? How many blind guys do you see driving cars? How many blind guys see themselves driving cars?

Maybe those of us gifted with sight drive our cars backwards through the ATM so our blind as a bat friends can get some beer money for the night.

Maybe they do this not for blind people but for one blind person. Maybe it’s all for Stevie Wonder. Stevie might need $20 every once and a while, just like you and me. I heard Stevie drives himself around all the time. Yeah, right. He drives himself around and hits a tree while looking for an ATM.

What’s that Braille anyway? How the Hell are you supposed to read that stuff? It all feels like little bumps to me. I’ve even tried closing my eyes to try and relate to it. It don’t work.

There’s also Braille on elevator doors. How many blind people are wondering around the hall themselves looking for a way up or down? If they can even FIND the elevator without being able to see, I don’t think they need a way to tell them it’s there.

Same deal with hotel room signs. Is it in case that same blind guy wandering the halls looking for the elevator needs to get back to his room? He found his way up or down, let’s help him get back to his room.

I think this guy wandering the hall is going to have someone with him, especially in a hospital. There’s Braille on hospital signs too.

OK let’s says the guy needs the signs to navigate the building. Point is, he had to GET there somehow. Chances are someone drove him. I think that person should be helping out, like an assistant.

I hope I don’t often any blind people, especially Stevie. I’m just asking some valid questions. I haven’t heard of Braille computers yet. But they do have Braille at ATMs now, ya know!

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