Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sarah Palin Is Scary

I don't HATE Sarah, I don't think she's qualified to lead the country. I like that she reminds me of Tina Fey, because I love Tina Fey, and even have a dog named Tinafey. Her first name actually was Sarahpalin, but it made people uncomfortable.

She’s kind of hot in that hot librarian kind of way. And how can you not love someone who hunts and kills bears for fun?

I think people discuss her because she seems to be a viable candidate to the Republican Party. I think leadership in that party has declined, and they are scrambling for viable candidates. All the old school guys are getting too old or dying off, or learning the shoe codes for gay sex in restrooms.

I thought it was unprofessional and disrespectful to wink three times in a vice presidential debate.

I do have an issue with her not being able to name any magazines or newspapers she reads to keep up on current events, in a big national interview, when you are a VP candidate.

She's got no foreign policy experience, but she used to almost be able to see Russia from her house.

Now she's a correspondent for Fox news, noted for getting their facts wrong. No news agency or publication is without bias.

I have a problem with someone if they have to write their three main points on their hand when speaking in front of a major influential group, cross out one and still flub it. Maybe it said “milk, bread, and condoms.” No, she doesn’t believe in condoms.

She has little political experience. The town she was mayor of has been financially ruined, she was Alaskan gov for 2 years, and QUIT. She let the people that elected her down. Further, it's been documented and investigated that she abused her power in that short time she was gov, before she quit.

She preaches abstinence, no birth control, and has a teenage daughter that got knocked up. Wonder why?

She wants "scientific creationism" taught in schools.

Sarah Palin scares people because they can relate to her more than Lil Kim, Osama, and Ack-min-a-jad.

Barack Obama may have a poor resume, but he's President. Hope and change. I know, "how's that hope and change working out for you?" OK so far, because it's hope and change. President Obama said it would take time, wouldn't be easy. He's admitted it is tougher than he thought it would be. It's a new era; the WWII guys are dying off. Time for new directions and leadership, the old ways don't work anymore. Strong-arming, threatening, or ignoring issues doesn't work.

And Yes, I voted for Obama, and would again. I am not a Republican or Democrat, I've been an independent for years.

Unfortunately, Obama’s a terrible speaker, has no experience, can’t produce his birth certificate, and is the anti-christ. And a radical muslim sent to overthrow the US from the inside.

You don't have to be smart to be VP. Look at Quayle. That's more the nature of the job. Statistically you won't become president during your VP term. Biden will never be president. Neither will Palin. Neither will I.

I don't think I'm sexist towards Palin, because "what's wrong with being sexy?" See early librarian thing, Tina Fey, etc.

Palin is the anti-Hilary Clinton. Hilary’s a tough broad, thick ankled, not that attractive, known to be a bit bitchy, experienced. Palin is attractive, cutesy in her manner and speak, quirky, and…a rogue. Someone is spinning her to save the GOP, she can’t do it herself. Somewhere there’s an eviler Carl Rove walled away somewhere.

I do have a religious prejudice though. I don't agree with her religious beliefs or stances.

I am fine with attractive women being leaders, and I understand the uphill battle women still fight. But you have to be competent and capable. I don't think she is. Other people can, but she'll never get my vote for anything. Maybe for “hottest VP candidate ever.”

I do want to read her book though. After I read Twilight, and the Left Behind series.

I do have solutions for Bin Laden, Kim, and Ah-ma-jinad. For Bin Laden, we ask the Pakistanis if they like their mountains. If they say "yes" we say "good, you have two weeks to bring us Bin Laden, or we make your mountain ranges go away with many bombs."

For Kim, we can send him tainted porn and booze, or just invade his country and force democracy on his people. That's worked in the past.

For Ah-ma-jinad, we can send him tainted porn and booze, and holocaust documentaries to bum him out, or just invade his country and force democracy on his people. That's worked in the past.

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